Tag Archive | probiotics

Acne…trial and error!!

imageSince stopping birth control I have had major issues with acne!! Trial and error has lead me to these simple rules.

1. Take this probiotic I posted a pic of daily and slowly increase toe three times a day. This helps with killing the yeast in your body and creating regular bowel movements to eliminate waste.  The longer the toxic elements are in your body the easier it is for your face to break out.

2. Drink lots of water.

3. Eat a healthy diet full of whole food and less processed ones.

4. Don’t worry so much about things you can’t change. It doesn’t make the situation different, learn how to see the silver lining in every situation. Less stress = less acne!!

5. Oil cleanse! I posted this one back. This really helps. You will go through an ugly phase! Your face will break out, push through. Don’t use harsh chemicals on your face. It strips the natural oils this creating more oil production.

These are what I use everyday and it is working like a charm. Hope this helps!